Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring Break!

Cane loves the water, he is fearless! He doesn't even really mind going under!

Abby is one of my best friends from college. She and I were random roommates our freshman year, and I still love her dearly! We love to go to her house and play with her kids! Brayden, her 2 year old, is a little shy and wouldn't take his picture.

Teachers Trip!

A group of teachers, plus a few of their spouses went to Texas in March. We received a National Award from the Association for Supervision of Curriculum Development (ASCD) called The Vision in Action Award. For all you teachers, their big initiative is "educating the whole child." It was a wonderful honor, and we had a great time! I didn't have my camera at the awards ceremony, I am trying to hunt down a picture.

We did make the trip to the Alamo, although there is not much of a wow factor.
We definitely enjoyed the sun on the Riverwalk!

Fun in Feb!

Happy Birthday Grandpa McQuinn!

We had to blow the candles out multiple times to give everyone a chance!

Please take a close look at Cane's PJ's. Those are real, live lizzards on his shirts. That was all Daddy's doing one day when he was at home alone with the kids. I came home to find pet lizzards in our house, luckily they are in their tank in the basement.