Monday, October 25, 2010

Graham Michael Haines

Graham Michael Haines was born on October 11, 2010. He weighed approximately 9 1/2 lbs (which I realize sounds huge, but if you would have seen him in the hospital that day, you would have still thought he was a tiny baby) and was 22 inches long. While he was a whole lb heavier than Cane, I think Cane had way more fat on him when he was born, Graham is the longest baby I have ever seen!

Marcie was a week overdue on Saturday, October 9th, and she had been led to believe that they would be inducing her that day. However, the doctors decided it would be better for her and the baby if they waited a few more days since she was showing no signs of going into labor yet. I had already arranged for the kids to go to Nick's parents, and after talking with her on the phone on Saturday I knew she needed her sister to keep her company. Chad was busy attempting to get as much farming done as possible before the baby came, and Marcie was emotionally spent. So I drove down to spend the weekend with her. And wouldn't you know it, 8 hours after I left, her body decided it was time to go into labor. She had the baby less than 16 hours after I left! Now, I was anxious to have my own babies, but I never expected to be so anxious while she was in labor! It is no short drive, about 2 1/2 hours to Burlington, so I decided since I had just got back I needed to be home Monday night for my family, but I turned around and headed back on Tuesday to spend the day with Marcie, Chad, and Graham in the hospital. I was glad I waited till the day after he was born, it selfishly meant I got to hold him way more since the initial group (grandparents and other family) were not around!

I, of course, then made my 3rd trip of the week down to see Marcie, although, this time I brought the kids to meet their first cousin!

Cole and Cane were the first to hold Graham, and they liked him, but they had other things on their minds.
Cane actually kept wanting to snuggle with Graham, Cane would lay his head up against Graham's when he held him.

For Claire, it was love. Not initially, he made her a little nervous at first, but once she held him once, she didn't want to stop. And she wanted to hold him in every position possible, this was her favorite! I don't blame her, this is my favorite as well!

The McQuinn Grandchildren

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