Thursday, September 30, 2010

Picture Time

Pictures should be fun, and if Cane hadn't been there, they might have been! Unfortunately, Cane was a monster on this day. Cole and Claire love to have their pictures taken, and Cane usually doesn't mind, but for some reason he decided he didn't want any part of it on this day. Of course, Jerry and Pat are so patient with us, they even had special surprises for the kids when they were done! They are so wonderful and we love having them take our pictures so we don't have to feel bad when Cane throws a fit! Despite Cane's mood, the pictures turned out pretty good, I loved where we went to take them. You will probably enjoy looking at these more than I will because you will not know what we went through to get these!

There was only one 10 minute time frame where Cane decided to get off me and run around and be happy. Of course, he wouldn't stand still, so Jerry had to chase him around, up and down the stairs just to catch a couple of him!

A big THANK YOU to Jerry and Pat!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Life at the McCumber's house

Dance, Dance, Dance

All summer Claire has begged to be in dance. This week her dream finally came true! She attends dance class once a week with her good friend Charleigh from daycare. They do tap, ballet, and creative dance. When the girls and I got to dance, they both were so excited. Claire gets nervous for anything new, but she had no fear for dance. In fact, she was a little sad that it was such a short class, apparently 30 mins of dance is not nearly enough!

The kids love to ride their bikes so we decided to take advantage of the last few weeks of nice weather and go for as many bike rides as possible. Of course, Cane insists on riding his bike also, even though he doesn't peddle.