Thursday, October 06, 2011

May Graduation Leading into Summer!

So sorry it has been so long! I probably shouldn't admit it, especially since I know a few teachers read this blog, but this is the hardest year in my teaching career! In years past I can find a few spare minutes at school to upload my pics and blog about our lives. However, this year, I can't seem to find a few minutes do anything other than work at work! I know, life is so unfair.

Anyway, while I should have had lots of time to blog this summer, our internet living in the country is not quite up to speed, so simple blogging becomes a very long process! But I am going to plan to do a quick update here before I leave school today!

So here goes!

May-we GRADUATED from PreK to Kindergarten! The kids loved being at my school, and I loved having them here.

We got our garden planted, with a little help from the kids. Claire LOVES the garden, to plant, water, harvest, dig for worms, collect bugs, all of it!

Once it got warm enough, out came the pool and the slip and slide!

In June, another teacher and I were able to travel to Little Rock, Arkansas for the Healthy Schools Forum funded by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. After A LOT of work, our school was awarded the Bronze Healthy Schools National Award! Our school was the first school in Iowa to win the award. Nikki and I met a group of great girls also at the conference, we spent the next two days having a blast with our new friends!

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation is funded by the William J. Clinton Foundation, so Bill Clinton was the speaker at the awards banquet! Very cool, he was actually a very passionate speaker.

Michelle Kwan, olympic figure skater, also spoke so we couldn't pass up this photo opp! Nikki, the other PE teacher at my school is on my left, the other two girls were from the other school in Iowa to win the award.

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